- Pinole Hercules Little League (PHLL) incorporated in 1962
- 100% volunteer operated. No one gets paid
- PHLL is one of 14 leagues in California District 4 Little League. Also known as District or D4
- Nearest leagues in D4 to PHLL are Richmond, Albany, Pittsburgh, Martinez
- D4 is part of the Little League (LL) Western Region, one of 10 LL U.S. Regions
- There are 8 LL International Regions
- PHLL is administered and operated by a Board of Directors elected annually in August
- PHLL boundaries include areas of Crockett, Rodeo, Hercules, Pinole, El Sobrante, Tara Hills, and parts of San Pablo and Richmond
- Tara Hills and Rodeo also has Pony Leagues and not affiliated with Little League
- 2021 PHLL spring season will have 3 divisions in Softball with Minor AA (Coach Pitch), Softball Minor AAA, and Softball Major and 6 divisions in Baseball with Teeball, Baseball Minor Farm (Coach Pitch), Baseball Minor AA, Baseball Minor AAA, Baseball Major, and Baseball Junior
- PHLL also has one Challenger team. Little League’s adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges
- PHLL participates in post season tournament play for certain divisions in D4 Tournament of Champions (TOC), and Little League All Stars
- Little League offers a second season and Fall Ball as options for training and development and flexibility in scheduling practices and games
- PHLL has agreement with West Contra Costa Unified School District for use of fields at Ellerhorst Elementary and Collins Elementary in Pinole
- PHLL pays to reserve and use fields at Pinole Valley Park, Hanna Ranch and Woodfield in Hercules
- PHLL schedules to play games with other leagues and travel to other cities in D4 and in other Districts